From the date of April 23-27/2016, Center for Education Accreditation (CEA) – Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) carried out the official survey on assessment of external quality in higher education at University of Foreign Language Studies, UD (UF- UD)
After 5 days of official survey at UF- UD, with the professional, serious, responsible and objective spirit, the expert delegation had finished the evaluation including 1185 proofs. The delegation interviewed 15 groups with 222 participants, visited facilities of UF as well as took part in extracurricular activities...
The closing ceremony of this survey was hold on April 27th, 2016 with the participation of the Directorate Board of CEA – VNU, members of the expert delegation, representatives from Presidential Board of UD, representatives from Departments of UD, representatives from member-universities of UD and leaders, faculties, lecturers of UF.
Assoc. Prof. Le Phuoc Minh, Leader of expert delegation presented the preliminary results about evaluation of the educational quality of UF – UD based on the basis of criteria according to the common evaluation. The report expressed the strong points needed to continuously develop by UF as well as the weak points needed to continuously examine to improve quality.
Assoc. Prof. Le Phuoc Minh,
Leader of expert delegation presented the preliminary result about evaluation of the educational quality of UF – UD
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Quy Thanh – Director of CEA – VNU emphasized the importance of educational quality assessment. All experts had worked very cautiously with the spirit of seriousness, impartiality and objectivity to reach the accurate results
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Quy Thanh
Director of CEA – VNU emphasized that the assessment had been carried out the most impartially and objectively
Dr. Tran Huu Phuc – Rector of UF emphasized that the strong points of UF affirmed by the expert team are an important motivation to arouse pride and create a firm belief to encourage staffs, faculties, lecturers and students to continuously develop and improve the quality of all activities more better than ever before. UF will seriously absorb all the comments and assessments of the expert delegation regarding the limitations and shortcomings. UF will soon build a plan to overcome the limited points with the highest effort.
Dr. Tran Huu Phuc – Rector of UF-UD presented the report
Assoc.Prof. Ngô Văn Dưỡng – Vice President of UD expressed his thanks to the leaders of CEA – VNU and the expert delegation for theirseriousness, impartiality and objectivity as well ascommended the responsible awareness, the effectiveness of leaders faculties , students of UF in the process of education quality accreditation.
Assoc. Prof. Ngo Van Duong – Vice President of UD presented the speech
Assoc . Prof . Nguyen Quy Thanh – Director of CEA, VUN, Assoc. Prof. Le Phuoc Minh City – Leader of expert delegation and Dr. Tran Huu Phuc - Rector of UF signed a memorandum confirming the preliminary result of survey on education quality assessment.